Enhancing functionality on YT playlist editing

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Enhancing functionality on YT playlist editing

Post by assassin32 »

I'd like to be able to add single database records that have been saved as URL entries onto these imported/saved YT fill-in playlists.

I have a huge YT fill-in playlist that I've been editing (and organizing the hard way...drag and drop). I have a few hundred URL entries in my database that I can only manage as single entities, or as a Collection. It would really make things easier to allow some utility to marry these 2 similar but separate features.

I do have some bumper fill-in vids saved as it's own Collection. Of course, downloading these files is a solution, but it's an all or nothing kind of scenario. Just looking for a bit more flexibility.

EDIT: I'd also like to be able to select records from on fill-in playlist and add/migrate them to another, or create a new fill in playlist on the fly with some of the records from an existing playlist (Right click on a record, and Add to, or Create new?)

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