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Karaoke Video Creator

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Set Background event

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This event allows to change the background of the karaoke video. You may display an image (BMP, JPG, or PNG) or a movie (AVI or MPG).




Current background

This window displays the current background (either set in Video Settings dialog box or by another Set Background event placed earlier in the song). If the current background is a movie you will see a first frame of the movie.


New background

This window displays the new background. Use Browse button to find the file you would like to display. You may use still images (BMP, JPG, and PNG formats are supported) or videos (AVI, MPEG, WMV).



Transition defines a way how the background will change from one to another. Several options are possible, you may also define the duration of the transition.

To change the background immediately set the duration to zero.



Here you can see how the transition will look like.


When to display

This is an advanced feature that allows to define the exact time of background change. By default new background is applied after the word preceding it has been sung. You may change this by selecting When next word begins. It is also possible to define time offset to be applied -- for instance selecting '10' will cause the background to be changed ten seconds after the word has been sung (or 10 seconds before the next word will be sung, if When next word begins is selected).